Foam & Fabric

We can usually avoid costly tear-offs in most cases. This is an ideal foam roofing system to restore and waterproof your commercial roof for years to come!
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Benefits of Foam Roofing

Reducing Energy Bills
Foam roofing is an affordable and cost-effective roofing option. It contains tiny aluminum particles that reflect the sun’s UV rays and give the foam top-grade insulating properties. It a great choice for reducing energy-consumption, making a building more energy-efficient, and reducing the overall workload on the HVAC system.

This is particularly important for building owners, facility managers, and contractors who need to meet strict state and municipality codes surrounding sustainability, and at the same time accommodate the increasing energy demand.

Versatile Application
Foam roofing is most often applied to flat roofs, but it can also be used with sloped and dome roofs. It works equally well with metal, wood and concrete roofing, regardless of whether they’re new or old. This eliminates the need for tearing off the old roof and thus reduces overall roofing costs.

Closed-cell polyurethane foam is by far the best water insulator on the market. It is actually the only insulating material that doesn’t soak up water, but rather repels it. Once it seals the whole roof, there is virtually no place for the water to get in and leaks become a thing of the past.

Preserving structural integrity
Polyurethane foam can endure the strain of normal expansion and contraction of a building’s structure. It remains sealed and adhered under all conditions, protecting the building from outside elements including winds, sunshine, rain, and hail.

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Spray Polyurethane Foam

Foam has a history of more than 35 years as a maintainable roofing medium. Polyurethane Foam adds excellent insulation value to the structure and utility bills can reflect the difference.

Once the SPF has been applied to the proper thickness and finish specifications, a protective layer of elastomeric coating or gravel is applied. This protective layer produces a durable weather resistant surface and that can be walked on for normal maintenance.

Building owners across the United States are raving about Conklin spray foam as their choice for commercial roofing.

Spray foam roofs have significant energy savings!

Spray foam roofing systems like those from Conklin provide many benefits to building owners. The two most prominent benefits are waterproofing/leak prevention and insulation value. Many additional benefits also exist such as superior compressive strength, lightweight, self-flashing, durable and long lasting.

It then expands approximately 30 times its original liquid volume to form a hard, closed cell monolithic roof surface. The Polyurethane Foam dries within seconds after applied to the roof surface. Its expansion results in a weather tight roofing membrane that is fully adhered to the substrate. Because of polyurethane’s lightweight it adds little additional weight to the structure and is often used in remedial applications.

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