The Best Commercial Roofing Materials for Kentucky

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Does your home have a beautiful roof that perfectly complements your exterior? You probably admire its craftsmanship and design every day, if only in passing.

Flat and low-sloped commercial roofs are a different story. Chances are you don’t think about your commercial roof at all unless it reminds you that it exists — usually because something’s wrong or because it’s time for your annual roof inspection.

Commercial roofs might not be especially attention-grabbing or beautiful, but they tirelessly work to protect your building behind the scenes. The commercial roofing materials you choose for your Kentucky business play a critical role in protecting your building from harsh weather, keeping it cool, and even slashing your energy bills.

If you need a new roof, and you’re wondering what the best commercial roofing materials for Kentucky are, there’s no universal answer. There is, however, a roofing system that’s perfect for your building. Join us to explore the most popular commercial roofing materials in Kentucky — and learn what sets them apart.

Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) Roofing

More commonly known simply as foam roofing (because, let’s face it, Spray Polyurethane Foam is a bit of a mouthful!), SPF roofing systems are lightweight, long-lasting, and designed to withstand any type of weather. Best of all, foam roofs offer excellent insulation that will help your Kentucky business lower its energy bills as you step into a greener future.

These roofs are actually applied as a liquid spray. After your roofing team applies the spray, your SPF roofing system expands and conforms to the shape of your commercial roof to cover every nook and cranny. These high-tech roofs aren’t just cool (in every sense of the word), but they can even be applied to existing commercial roofs, helping you avoid costly tear-offs.

Metal Roofing

Metal roofing systems are extremely popular in Kentucky, and their benefits explain why. These roofing systems have an impressive lifespan and are highly weather resistant, which always comes in handy with Kentucky’s ever-shifting weather.

Thanks to the fact that metal roofing is available in a wide variety styles, including standing seam metal roofing and corrugated steel metal roofs, these roofs are extremely versatile. Because metal roofing has reflective properties, business owners can also look forward to lowered utility bills.

Single-Ply Commercial Roofing

Single-ply roofing membranes are another common choice for commercial roofs in Kentucky. These nifty roofing systems are usually applied in massive rolls, offering lightweight protection through unique materials designed to withstand harsh weather conditions.

The most popular single-ply roofing options include:

  • TPO roofing. The main selling point is that TPO roofs are highly reflective, keeping your commercial building cool in summer. However, TPO is also resistant to wind, UV rays, and even chemical exposure. This explains why TPO roofs are a common choice for industrial buildings.
  • EPDM roofing. Also called rubber roofing, EPDM is a durable option that’s able to withstand harsh weather and UV exposure. Although these roofs are usually black in color, reflective coatings can make EPDM roofs very energy efficient.


With a roof contractor specializing in single-ply roofing systems, the installation process is surprisingly fast — minimizing disruptions to your work!

Ready to Explore Your Commercial Roofing Options? Call Anti-Leak Roofing Today!

One size never fits all — and the best commercial roofing option for your Kentucky building depends on its scale, your needs, and the nature of your business. Do you know it’s high time for a new commercial roof, but are you not sure which roofing material is most suitable for your building?

Don’t hesitate get in touch with the Anti-Leak Roofing team today. As a leading commercial roof contractor in Kentucky, we’re here to help. We’ll walk you through the pros and cons of different commercial roofing materials and help you make sure that your roof is ready for anything.

When you’re ready, reach out for a free estimate!