TPO vs PVC Roofing Comparison

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Thermoplastic Polyolefin (TPO) and Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) roofing are two popular roofing materials. Both are mostly used in commercial roofing and are part of the single-ply roofing category. They are known for their durability, flexibility, and resistance to environmental factors.

The choice between TPO and PVC often comes down to specific project requirements, like budget and long-term performance expectations. TPO might be more suitable for projects requiring cost-efficiency and eco-friendly materials. On the other hand PVC could be better for its chemical resistance, fire safety, and proven longevity.

So in the TPO vs PVC roof battle, who would win?

Which Material Should You Choose?

Both materials are strong, durable, and can be energy-efficient in their own right. Your final choice comes down to your specific requirements and the budget you have. You may prefer TPO for its cost-effectiveness and environmental benefits. But PVC may be better for its resistance, flexibility, and longer track record.

If you’re unsure which one to choose, here’s a detailed comparison that will help. If not, consulting with a professional roofer can help you decide on the best option for you. Keep reading to find out more!

TPO Roofing Benefits

Let’s start off our guide with the benefits you can expect with TPO roofing.


TPO roofing is generally more affordable than a PVC roof. That’s why it’s an attractive option for property owners on the budget.

Energy Efficiency

TPO membranes are highly reflective, which helps reduce your building’s cooling costs. It does so by reflecting sunlight and heat away from the building.

Easy Installation

TPO can be installed in many ways. Its lightweight nature makes any kind of installation quick and easy.


TPO is resistant to mold growth, dirt accumulation, and punctures. The material is flexible too, which allows your building movement without compromising the roof.


TPO is more environmentally friendly than PVC due to its recyclable nature.


Still, it’s not all flowers and rainbows with TPO. Here are some of its disadvantages you can expect.

Longevity and Performance Consistency

TPO is a relatively newer roofing material, and formulations can vary. This inconsistency in longevity and performance in different brands can be a disadvantage.


Although improved, TPO roofs are still weaker than PVC ones. For you, that means potentially increasing the risk of leaks.

Heat Resistance

Although TPO reflects UV rays, it may not perform as well in extremely high temperatures over time compared to PVC.

PVC Roofing Benefits

Do you want something a bit different? Take a look at PVC roofing.

Chemical Resistance

PVC roofing offers superior resistance to chemical exposure. This makes it ideal for buildings that may be exposed to oils, greases, and other chemicals.

Fire Resistance

PVC materials are highly fire-resistant, which can help slow the spread of flames in case of a fire.

Durability and Longevity

PVC roofs are durable and can last 20 years or more with proper installation and maintenance. Heat-welding creates strong, watertight seams that make the material resistant to leaks.

Energy Efficiency

PVC roofing is available in light colors that can reflect sunlight. This results in lower energy costs by keeping your building cooler.

Wind and Water Resistance

PVC’s heat-welded seams provide excellent protection against water infiltration and high wind conditions.


Before making a decision, it’s important you consider some of the drawbacks of PVC roofing.

Higher Cost

A PVC membrane roof generally costs more than a TPO roof. But this investment is worth it for most building owners in the long run.

Plasticizer Migration

Over time, PVC roof materials can lose their plasticizers. These are chemicals added to make the PVC flexible. This can lead to the material becoming brittle and prone to cracking.

Environmental Concerns

The PVC materials production produces chlorine, which raises environmental and health concerns. The presence of plasticizers raises questions about environmental impact too.

Need Help With Your Commercial Roof? Contact Anti-Leak Roofing Today

Whether TPO or PVC, we can do it all at Anti-Leak Roofing. We’re a veteran-owned business skilled in commercial roof repair and replacement. Our team is a proud BBB (Better Business Bureau) accredited roofing contractor.

We specialize in both TPO and PVC roofing solutions for commercial buildings. We have over 30+ years of combined industry experience and we proudly serve building owners in Kentucky. We offer fast and reliable services that won’t disrupt your day-to-day business.

So if you’re interested in learning more about our services, or you simply want to chat with us, contact us now!